Treatment Options

Treatment Options

There are a few different options to slow down the growth of gastric cancer, including:

  • Traditional Therapy
    • Radiation therapy uses high energy rays to kill or shrink cancer cells.
    • Chemotherapy uses chemicals or drugs to destroy cancer cells.
  • Targeted Therapy: Targets cells with specific proteins (such as the HER2+ receptors) for treatment.
  • Surgical Removal: Depending on the cancer location, the surgeon may remove the whole stomach or only the part that has the cancer.

What Should I Discuss with My Healthcare Provider?

  • What can I do to decrease my chances of getting stomach cancer?
  • How do you check for stomach cancer?
  • How often should I have checkups?
  • Is my cancer HER2+?
  • What stage is my stomach cancer?
  • What are my treatment options?
  • What are some possible side effects of treatments?
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